Various projects

About the projects

This page contains various projects from my over 2,5 years freelancing for BMW. I was involved primarily as UI/UX Lead to develop concepts from ideation through user testings to dev-ready designs. Tasks also included stakeholder presentations, quality assurance and collaboration with developers and PMs/POs in an agile framework.

Project 1

Digital design language

UI Lead in creating a new minimalistic and modern design language for all BMW markets, which was developed and tested in the Spanish market.

The goal was to test if a more minimalistic and clean design approach along with some conceptual improvements performs better than the current more outdated BMW website.

This project served as a pilot project for the next project shown below.

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Project 2

Website design concept

The BMW website was in need of a new visual appearance. The main issue was the large amount of texts, that users tend to skip and small visuals that don’t sell the cars properly.

We achieved a more immersive experience through minimizing text amounts, displaying large visuals and videos along with interactive 3D models and other gamifications that are fun to play with and showcase the cars in the best way possible.

The shown designs are only part of many design explorations and were further iterated before ending up in development.

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Project 3

Range & Charging

Conception and UI Design of a Web component, that targets the 3 biggest concerns of potential new buyers of fully electric vehicles: Range-anxiety, availability of charging stations and duration of charging.

The challenge was to create a single component, that faces those 3 concerns at the same time. We achieved that along with a selection of a specific BMW model, to get the relevant data for charging durations and the electric range.

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Project 4

Charging Consultation

Conception and Interface design of a charging consultation journey. The goal was to find out the users living circumstances through a questionnaire to recommend suitable charging products.

The target groups were e-mobility newbies and advanced users, therefore the content should be suitable for both target groups. We achieved that in displaying surface level, easy to understand information on the top level and give more technical explanations and statistics through interactions on a deeper level.

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Project 5

Product Footprint

UI design of a web component, that shows the ecological footprint of BMW models from production through usage until end-of-life. The challenge was to make a topic, that users don’t actively search for and may not be interested in appealing through playful interactions.

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Next Project
Website Relaunch